Expert Interview
At Preschool Readers, we know there are a variety of factors that affect a child’s learning process. As a way to remain up to date and informed on best practices, we have an Expert Interviews series. In this series, we interview experts who provide tips/tricks and suggestions for parents of preschoolers. We hope you enjoy our interview with Lindsay Marino, Intuition Teacher.
Name & Job Title: Lindsay Marino, Intuition Teacher
What Services Do You Provide and Whom Do You Serve: I teach people around the world, in my online course, “Unlock Your Intuition.”
What Is Intuition: Intuition is our birthright. Intuition is when you pay attention to those subtle nudges that guide you every day of your life.
Why Is Intuition Important To a Preschooler: Preschoolers do not censor themselves, so their intuition awareness is extremely powerful. Using their intuition is important in learning about others, sensing what they feel drawn to, and even feeling confident with who they are and what they are learning.
What Can Parents Do To Nurture Their Child’s Intuition: Listen to your child. Look at the pictures they draw. Their “imagination” is actually their intuition working. You will notice a pattern in their conversations and passions. Encourage them to speak and ask them questions. I suggest that parents keep a notebook or journal, for moments your child says something that stands out to you. For example, They may sing song lyrics that you need to hear at the perfect moment. Write them down and log the date next to them.
How Does Intuition Affect Their Learning Process: I believe intuition leads children to their passion and creativity. When they listen to their own wants (intuitive nudges), they will be surer of themselves and their learning.
What’s Your Number One Tip For Supporting Preschoolers Emotional and Social Intuition: My number one tip would have to be: Listen to their feelings. Self-expression is essential for children, and when you allow them to show their emotion, you aren’t censoring their thoughts, communication, and intuitive expression.
What Books Do You Recommend Parents Read To Their Preschooler To Support and Promote Intuition:
- I Think, I Am!: Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations by Louise Hay
- Unstoppable Me!: 10 Ways to Soar Through Life by Wayne Dyer
- Incredible You! 10 Ways To Let Your Greatness Shine Through by Wayne Dyer
- Memories of Heaven by Wayne Dyer and Dee Hicks (A book specifically for parents)
And Just For Fun…What Is One Word You Would Use To Describe Yourself As A Preschooler: Whimsical
How Can Parents Connect With You:
Instagram: @lindsaymarinomedium
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